From the course: Giving and Receiving Feedback
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Minimizing bias when providing feedback
From the course: Giving and Receiving Feedback
Minimizing bias when providing feedback
- Research has shown that in high performing teams, it takes six instances of positive feedback to counteract one piece of negative feedback. That doesn't mean that you have to make sure you're only providing positive feedback, just that it's important to balance what you say and how you provide feedback to others. Some feedback tips that will help you to beat the negativity bias include plan your feedback to include a good balance of acknowledging what's gone well, and where you see areas of opportunity to perform even better. Be mindful of how the person you're communicating with could interpret what you're saying. Look at the situation from their perspective. You might find you're more direct with those that appreciate that feedback style, and less direct with those that have a greater tendency to hone in on the negative comments. Don't assume you have all the answers. You may have a really interesting perspective or…
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