From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content

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Incorporating interactivity and driving engagement

Incorporating interactivity and driving engagement

From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content

Incorporating interactivity and driving engagement

- As you're moving through the main content of your show, never forget about your audience. Remain intentional about incorporating viewer interaction and engagement. Some of this will be pre-planned and some will be organic. Become comfortable with navigating between every type of audience interactivity. Let's start by talking about pre-planned audience interaction. Within my script or outline, I'll build in specific ways for the audience to contribute to the conversation by introducing themselves or by asking them to respond to a survey question with emojis or by asking them to input information into the chat. Let's run through examples of some of these. Here's a few name callouts. I just wanted to do a shout out. Thank you to Marjorie for tuning in from San Francisco, Ryan from Seattle. We've got Peter from Ojai. We got Ramon from Florida. We have Diane, and we have Stacy and Kendra. Thank you so much for…
