From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content

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Moving into the main content

Moving into the main content

- You've introduced the livecast, welcomed your guests and have covered the show logistics all while inviting plenty of audience interactivity. Now you're in the groove and it's time to get into the main content. This obviously consists of the majority of the show, and unlike the setup and introduction, you'll almost never work with the full script during this main section. Different types of livecasts require different things. For a live demo or webinar, you might prefer a structured outline with bullets. For a live interview, a detailed list of questions is usually all you need. Regardless, it does feel different shifting into the main content in terms of your content and flow. You're now responsible for making sure the demonstration or conversation or Q and A or video tour is informative, entertaining and engaging. You're in control of not only the what, the show's content, but also the how, the show's style and aesthetic,…
