From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content
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Promoting the live
From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content
Promoting the live
- It's time to talk about promoting your livecast. Really, this can come at any time during any of the previous parts of the process, but I usually try to begin promoting a livecast around two weeks before the event. I find that's the optimal timeframe to attract an audience and build hype without fatiguing people from your promotional posts. The important first step is to create a virtual event. In addition to the title, description and logistical information that you've already come up with, you'll also usually need to create graphics, like banners and thumbnails. Make sure people can RSVP to your event with calendar reminders and notifications. Once you've created the event, you can run your first promotional pass. This involves creating posts dedicated to drumming up an audience. It involves including the event in your newsletter and other promotional emails that you usually send. It involves cross promoting on other…
Meet your audience where they are4m 11s
Defining your purpose and premise2m 50s
Deciding on high-level logistics4m 24s
Designing the experience4m 29s
A high-level technical discussion3m 40s
Setting up and rehearsing4m 14s
Promoting the live4m 6s