From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content
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Repurposing your live video
From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content
Repurposing your live video
- Your livecast can live on in so many ways through the awesome art of repurposing. Depending on your social media strategy, you can transform it in any number of ways to continue to drive traffic, gain followers, and bolster your brand. I'll cover a few of my favorite ways here. First, let's just talk about the recorded live video itself and what it can do for you. Even if you don't transform the video at all, there's an entire community of people who will watch the replay, either in full or in part. To optimize the recorded video for your replay audience, you may want to trim the beginning of it to eliminate any countdown videos, dead air, or anything else that doesn't get the viewer right into the action. Many people won't have the patience to sit through the beginning fluff to get to the meat of the content. You may also want to download the video and perform some deeper edits if there were some sections that you feel don't…