From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content
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Setting up and rehearsing
From the course: Going Live: Building Great Live Content
Setting up and rehearsing
- Now that your prep materials are written, it's time to get things set up and rehearse. Different types of livecasts require different types of rehearsals. If you're giving a webinar, it's mostly about running through it several times to nail down the flow, anticipate obstacles and make sure you're building in plenty of opportunities for audience connection and engagement. If you're doing a q and a or ask me anything your script should hopefully include plenty of pre-selected questions that you can practice answering, but to give you the real life experience of fielding questions on the fly, recruit a few practice audience members that can throw some real life questions your way. If you're doing a product or software demo, run through your spiel a few times to get the perfect balance between concisely delivering the content and maintaining a positive and fun energy. If you typically perform demos in person, realize…
Meet your audience where they are4m 11s
Defining your purpose and premise2m 50s
Deciding on high-level logistics4m 24s
Designing the experience4m 29s
A high-level technical discussion3m 40s
Setting up and rehearsing4m 14s
Promoting the live4m 6s