From the course: Google Analytics (GA4): Audience-Building and Segmentation

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Segmenting users within the Advanced Analysis tool

Segmenting users within the Advanced Analysis tool - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: Google Analytics (GA4): Audience-Building and Segmentation

Segmenting users within the Advanced Analysis tool

- [Instructor] The more in-depth in custom reporting area of Google Analytics is almost entirely based on user segmentation. Advanced segments, user properties, events, dimensions, and audiences are all available in the Explorations tool of Report Building here. It's appropriate that they're called explorations, because this tool is used to create ad hoc reports, and it's meant to be used in the interface rather than elaborate dashboards and full presentation-type reports. After selecting Explorations, you'll get to a screen with different options for custom reports and interactive visualizations. Once you're familiar with the different methods available, building these explorations can become an ongoing process for analyses. You'll also have the ability to build explorations in the Google merchandise store demo account. Since edit permissions are not required, anything you do here, along with your own account, will not…
