From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace
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Sensory environment
From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Sensory environment
- I want you to close your eyes for a moment and imagine a thousand needles pickling at your skin, or the feeling of looking directly into sunlight, all day long. It's not pleasant, is it? Okay, you can open your eyes. This is what sensory overload can feel like, and it's a very real experience for neurodivergent folks. Sensory overload happens when something overstimulates one or more senses at once. It's not just a matter of too much information coming into the individual's brain. It's a struggle to process and make sense of it. When an individual can't, they may shut down, break down, or become highly agitated. Understanding these challenges can help us create a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment. Managing all the emotions that come with sensory overload is complex, and it requires the individual to be able to self monitor and self-regulate. Often individuals have these skills, but sometimes they are put to the test and it's not enough. First, sensory overload…