From the course: How to Make Strategic Thinking a Habit
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Finding the right place for strategic thinking
From the course: How to Make Strategic Thinking a Habit
Finding the right place for strategic thinking
- Lots of people focus on time when it comes to strategic thinking, as in they don't have enough of it. But here's a secret weapon for you. Try thinking about place. Because we all get into ruts in how we do things, whether it's getting coffee from the same place or taking the same route home from work every day, sometimes what's needed to break ourselves out of those ruts is changing our environment. The same is true for habits of thinking. We can push our boundaries and learn to think in new, innovative ways if we leverage the power of place. Here's how to do that. First, a big way to shake things up is to dramatically change your location. This won't be possible for everyone, but if you have a vacation coming up, instead of heading to your favorite destination again, why not try someplace you've never been before? Especially if it's a foreign country in a place where you don't speak the language. That forces you…