From the course: How to Make Strategic Thinking a Habit
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How to analyze your decisions
From the course: How to Make Strategic Thinking a Habit
How to analyze your decisions
- Many of us make decisions and then never go back and revisit the process we used. But not analyzing our decisions is a missed opportunity. There are tools we can use to review past decisions so we can get sharper and better in the future, and, also, it turns out, ways to test scenarios upfront before committing to them and going all in. Here are three techniques you can use to turn making better decisions into a habit. First, if you have a decision to make, it's useful to note upfront what your assumptions are. For instance, if you think it's a great idea to launch a new product, what are your assumptions behind that? Maybe you're assuming that it can be developed in six months, brought to market in another six, and within its first year it'll sell 50,000 units. Those might be reasonable assumptions, but write them down so you can double-check. For instance, in one of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' annual letters to his…