From the course: How to Make Strategic Thinking a Habit
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How to constantly improve your strategy
From the course: How to Make Strategic Thinking a Habit
How to constantly improve your strategy
- When it comes to strategic thinking, we can't rest on our laurels. We have to keep improving. Here are two strategies you can adopt to do that. First, create an inspiration file for yourself. There are probably certain areas where you know you want to become more strategic. Maybe it's following trends in your industry or broader geopolitics, or maybe it's in the mechanics of leadership like how to get better at delegating. Every time you find an interesting article, or podcast, or chart, or resource make sure to save it in the inspiration folder, and you can place it in a subfolder depending on what the topic is, like artificial intelligence trends. You can review it in the moment and then save it for the future for your own use, as well as to share with colleagues who might be interested. Second, don't stop there with passive information acquisition. Instead, think about the skills and knowledge you proactively want…