From the course: Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding

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Enlisting essential stakeholders

Enlisting essential stakeholders

- In this video, we're going to identify the key people who should be part of the onboarding experience. A lack of coordination can make onboarding difficult. Let's say a new hire arrives on our first day and our workstation is messy and cluttered. It makes her feel unwelcome and creates a poor first impression. Why wasn't her workstation prepared? Let's look at some of the people that needed to be involved. Purchasing wasn't notified that a new employee had been hired and she would need some new equipment. IT wasn't notified about the new hire, so they could set up her computer access. The manager didn't know she was supposed to get the workstation set up. She assumed someone in HR did that. The recruiter told the manager a new hire had accepted the offer, but didn't tell the manager the precise start date. You can see how one little thing can take a lot of coordination. That's why we need to identify key onboarding stakeholders and get them involved. Your essential stakeholder list…
