From the course: Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding
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Setting onboarding goals
From the course: Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding
Setting onboarding goals
- It's easy for an employee to feel a bit lost during the onboarding process. Sometimes, they receive so much information and training that it becomes hard to remember it all. Other times, they're not sure what to do because nobody has coordinated their training. Setting clear onboarding goals can help keep everyone on track. The two places where goals are particularly helpful are new hire training and new hire performance. Let's take a closer look at each one, starting with new hire training. This is when employees learn the knowledge and skills they need to do their job. A good training program should have measurable objectives that must be met for the training to be complete. Here are a few examples. A warehouse might set a goal for a new inventory specialist that reads, "Inventory specialists will demonstrate the ability to meet productivity and quality standards for receiving and stocking new merchandise." A retail store might set a training goal for new cashier that reads…
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