From the course: Human Resources: Understanding HR Systems Features and Benefits

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Time and attendance

Time and attendance

- Time and attendance features in HRIS systems generally involve two steps, the inputting of hours worked by the employees and the approving of those hours by their managers. As with payroll, HRIS programs will either have their own time and attendance module or connect through an API into a time and attendance product. This data will of course tie into the payroll function. You can see why product integration is often a tricky part of putting together HR technology. There remain plenty of companies that use a punch-to-clock type approach to time keeping with this data then being fed into the HRIS through an API or directly into the HRIS' own payroll app. Employees can enter their time at the entry door, at a kiosk, or at their desktop. HRIS time and attendance software has become ever more user friendly over the years and has done a great job of incorporating mobile technology. As an example, the Zenefits and Workday mobile apps allow hourly employees to clock in and clock out and…
