From the course: Implementing a Data Warehouse SQL Server 2019
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Create an Azure SQL Data Warehouse project - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Implementing a Data Warehouse SQL Server 2019
Create an Azure SQL Data Warehouse project
- [Adam] To create an Azure SQL Data Warehouse you'll need a Microsoft account and an Azure account. There's a free option if you'd like to test out the service, and you can find out more information about that by going to and then following the links for Start Free. Once you have an account set up, go ahead and login to the portal at and you'll be presented with the dashboard. In order to create an Azure SQL Data Warehouse click on the link to create a resource over on the left hand side of the screen, then from the Azure Marketplace click the databases link, and then underneath Featured select the SQL Data Warehouse link. That'll start up the configuration process. The first thing we need to choose is our subscription. I'm on a pay-as-you-go plan, but you might be on a free account. Go ahead and select that from the dropdown menu here. Then we need to configure a resource group. This…
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Hosting a data warehouse in the cloud3m 4s
Create an Azure SQL Data Warehouse project4m 32s
Develop tables in Azure SQL Data Warehouse4m 13s
The Data Warehouse Migration Utility4m 13s
Migrate a data warehouse to Azure3m 30s
Pause and remove an Azure data warehouse1m 46s