From the course: Insights on Architectural Photography
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Interiors: Composition and lens choices
From the course: Insights on Architectural Photography
Interiors: Composition and lens choices
So you've done the walk through, you've inventoried the elements and objects in the space. What's your next step? >> Well, at that point, it's really picking a camera angle. And what I normally do is I take a look around and I decide what do we need to include in the space. So I set the camera at my length's choice. In my camera position and height. It's all based upon the background. So once I have the amount of background in the image that I want to see, I've got it framed the way I want to see that. Then it's a question of arranging the foreground to work with the background. And it's pretty rare that I don't move the furniture around quite a bit. Just depending on the needs, really, of the composition. So after then, after I've got a frame and composition, things are set in place, accessorized the way I want them to be. Then it's a question of lighting because lighting is where the real seperation and depth in the image occur. Because we can light for texture and then we can also…
Approaches for planning exterior and interior photos8m 28s
Interiors: Composition and lens choices8m 5s
Interiors: Depth of field and focus stacking3m 55s
Lighting considerations for interiors6m 17s
Refining lighting using light modifiers9m 40s
Workflow for an architectural shoot2m 22s
Post-production for architectural photography6m 21s