From the course: Integrating Email with Other Marketing Channels
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Align email initiatives with PPC campaigns
From the course: Integrating Email with Other Marketing Channels
Align email initiatives with PPC campaigns
PPC campaigns can be great and really effective. I mean, you can see the ROI increasing right in front of your eyes. I'm going to walk you through how aligning your email marketing initiatives with PPC campaigns to enhance targeting and nurture leads. First up, let's talk about how you can use your email data to help out your PPC. So you might not have thought of this before, but I mean, really your email marketing platform has a wealth of data. You can go through and find people who are engaged or not engaged, who have purchased or not purchased. You could find people who are engaged but haven't purchased, download them and then retarget them via a PPC ad. You could also target those who haven't purchased but are really engaged. You could create lookalike audiences for those audiences who haven't purchased PPC campaigns can also help out your email marketing. Now, I think this works the best when you have a product that's got a long considered sales cycle or B2B campaigns, but you…
Integrate email with social media marketing1m 58s
Align email initiatives with PPC campaigns1m 31s
Streamline email and mobile marketing efforts1m 41s
Synchronize email and event marketing strategies2m 3s
Leverage tools and automations1m 43s
Track and measure performance across channels1m 55s