From the course: Integrating Email with Other Marketing Channels

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Track and measure performance across channels

Track and measure performance across channels

From the course: Integrating Email with Other Marketing Channels

Track and measure performance across channels

Imagine you train for a race and you run the race, but then you don't know what your time was or you can't look at footage of your form, so you don't know how you can improve. Well, in this lesson, I'm going to show you how to track and measure performance across your marketing channels to make informed decisions and improve your strategies so you know how you're doing. The first and most important thing that you can do is set up a regular time to meet and discuss performance. Ideally, this is not the same time that you use to pull the data. Ideally, the data is already pulled for you in an automatic way and it's living in dashboards. But regardless, set aside time where you can strictly just focus on looking at performance. This is also a great time to set up an a, B testing strategy You can set up when you want to do the AB tests in the future and routinely check in on them to see how they're progressing with time. Put aside time where you know you're going to think about tracking…
