From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI
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Implementing the DEIA framework
From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI
Implementing the DEIA framework
- Now it's time to explore the next step, implementing the DEIA framework to cultivate cultures of mental wellbeing within your organization, strategically. Your implementation strategy must include an integrated approach that addresses the needs of your workforce across the full spectrum of wellbeing. It is essential as you implement your efforts, a diverse group of people are involved who can express their opinions, have a committed budget and find ways to evaluate success, which we will get into later. Your initiatives should include strategies for preventing psychological harm that workplace stressors may cause, ensuring that mental health care is accessible and promoting thriving. Let's break these down a little further. To prevent psychological harm, address excessive workload and toxic and harmful behaviors. Create safe spaces for open dialogues about mental health and raise awareness about mental health…
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