From the course: Interaction Design: Design Patterns as Building Blocks
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Progress indicators
From the course: Interaction Design: Design Patterns as Building Blocks
Progress indicators
- [Instructor] Progress indicators show progression and steps in a user flow. The progress indicator informs the user of how many steps they have left and which step they're currently on. Progress indicators are best for continuous flow, so users can see where they are in the process. Creating smaller sub-tests within a larger flow creates a manageable experience for the user. Generally speaking, progress indicators have three states communicated to the user, the current step, the unvisited step, and the previously visited steps. The steps in the flow typically range between three and five. For steps longer than five, you might want to take a look at the information grouping and see if there's opportunities to condense the information. Progress indicators differ in how users can interact with the indicator itself. In some cases, the user can interact directly with the progress meter by clicking on it to revisit…