From the course: Introduction to Analytics Engineering
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Business intelligence (BI) tools: Looker
From the course: Introduction to Analytics Engineering
Business intelligence (BI) tools: Looker
- [Instructor] Business intelligence tools are software applications that help businesses analyze and visualize data to make informed decisions. These tools allow analytics engineers to connect to various data sources, perform data modeling and analysis, and create interactive dashboards and reports for other people in the company to consume. To many people outside the data org, this is the only part they care about that an analytics engineer does. There are many different types of BI tools available, ranging from open source solutions to enterprise-grade software. Some more modern cloud-based BI tools include Chartio, Mode, and Sigma. Other popular BI tools include Tableau and Power BI. However, today we're going to look at the data model we made in the last video in Looker. Looker is a cloud-based BI tool that was acquired by Google in 2020. One of the key features of Looker is its ability to unify data from multiple…