From the course: Introduction to Analytics Engineering

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How did analytics engineering come to be?

How did analytics engineering come to be?

From the course: Introduction to Analytics Engineering

How did analytics engineering come to be?

- [Narrator] How did Analytics Engineering come to be? If you have never heard of Analytics Engineering, that's okay. Most people haven't. As it's a title that has only popped up in the last few years. New technologies have enabled this unique role to rise up. In the last video, we discussed the context of how data roles have grown and changed. To fully appreciate this niche role the analytics engineer fills, we must understand how the contemporary data stack has changed. Michael Kaminsky describes this well in his blog post "Analytics Engineering." First, the rise of the massive parallel processing SQL data warehouse, or MPP data warehouse meant that many analysts now had to learn SQL skills to continue to do analytics. Second, companies that provide data pipelines as a service, such as Stitch or Fivetran, enabled data engineers to offload some pipeline work to a service that an analytics engineer can help manage. An…
