From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
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Exploring timing and pacing - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
Exploring timing and pacing
- [Instructor] Now that we know some of the basic building blocks of editing, as well as the basic rules that we can either follow or break, let's talk about the space between the edits, the timing and pacing that we use in putting our footage together. I tell my students that anyone can throw shots into a timeline, truly anyone can. It's physically very easy to edit. And even if you're great at understanding shot composition, camera and lens movement, as well as either following or breaking the various rules of editing, let me tell you something, you've still got your work cut out for you in terms of really being a great editor. That's because it's those small, subtle moments on either side of the edit that really make a big difference in your viewer's experience watching your film. You've got to know when to tighten up a scene to match the heightened energy and you need to know when to let edits out to let a scene…
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