From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
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Refining the scene: Trimming and matching to music - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
Refining the scene: Trimming and matching to music
- We've got our scene assembly laid for scenes one, two and three. We've chosen specific parts of each shot to include, and we've laid everything in order. In this movie, we're going to focus on really getting the timing and pacing right. The thing that's going to help us with that is cutting it to the music. All right. Let's first take a listen to the music. It's in Assets and Music, and it's this one, Red Checkered Tablecloth. Let's give it a play. (upbeat, whimsical accordion music) Okay. So it's definitely some European accordion music. As you can tell, it's upbeat and whimsical. It also has really nice beat. We're going to let this music help us along in establishing the mood and in really finessing our timing and pacing of each of these scenes, and on a shot-by-shot level. Other things that I think we're going to do as we refine the scene are to speed up quite a few of the shots, again, to sort of match the mood, tempo and style of the music. Keep that in mind. But before…
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