From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Writing CSS

Writing CSS

- We have our HTML structure in place, but wow, we can make this look more appealing. That's where CSS comes in. CSS will make everything pretty for us. Let's start by making that button look pretty first. We'll need to enlarge the text, make the button yellow and set it so that when we roll our our mouse over the button, it turns green. Then we'll need to move on to the other text. We'll need to set up our big blue box, style the text with the Arial font, and give everything a little bit of room. By the time we're done here, this will look like the button has been clicked and the box is showing. Let's start writing some CSS. So we'll start by styling our button by going to our CSS panel and typing in the word button. This is going to style all of the buttons in our document the same way. In this case, we only have one button so that's totally fine with us, but if we added other buttons to this document, they would take on the same styling. After the word button, you're going to put…
