From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals
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Definitions, terms, and language
From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals
Definitions, terms, and language
- We started covering terms throughout this course already, but let's go a little bit deeper and discuss common service desk terms in more detail. I've often heard that working in technical support is like learning to speak a new language, and there have been times in my career where I've had a conversation with someone and we were talking about the same concept, just using different terms. It's important to define key industry terms to fully understand metrics, information, reports, benchmarking surveys, and to determine what terms you want to implement in your own environment. It's also important to have consistency in terminology and language across your own organization. We started by describing the service desk as a functional group that receives and resolves incidents, service requests, and requests for information. This leads us to our definition of a function or functional groups. These are specialized groups of individuals who carry out processes. So the service desk would…