From the course: Layout and Composition: Grids

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Environmental grids

Environmental grids

- I once asked a designer to work on a draft for a signage program at a hospital. He came back with a solution that was experimental and energetic. He explained the design conceptually. It had something to do with a person in public space. Unfortunately, as hip as it was, nobody would ever find a stairwell or exit. Grids and proportions are all at the heart of environmental graphics. In signage, we want to quickly identify a sign and find the information. When I begin a signage project, I look first at the architecture. Is there a consistent proportion in the design? Once I find this, I use that proportion as the basic shape on all signs. The next step is to define a grid within that proportion. I don't want type moving all around from one sign to the next. I want it to be in the same place every time. Think about room identifier signs. For example, you want to know which conference room is the right one at a glance. This grid is then enlarged and duplicated to accommodate different…
