From the course: Layout and Composition: Grids

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Multiple grids

Multiple grids

- I wish there were only one way to make a successful grid structure. It would be much easier to explain if I could say "Do this. And this. And it will work." But the types of information we encounter are so varied that this is impossible. You need multiple grid concepts to work with many types of content. Sometimes, this variation in content exists in one publication. Think of a magazine, for example. Magazines have monthly articles that are the same in each issue, and features in the center of the magazine that can be different each time. If all the content used the exact same grid, the magazine would lose the delineation between these. Proportions are at the core of employing multiple grids in one publication. I can design a grid with eight columns for monthly articles, and four for the features. The hang lines on each can change, but I make sure I'm working with divisions or multiples of the same units. I also maintain the same margins and place for page numbers on both…
