From the course: Layout and Composition: Grids
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- Using grids and structure in design isn't easy. It is a juggling act of content, structure, and form. It isn't as simple as one grid for all projects. Each situation is unique. In this course, we've covered a huge range of scenarios. We looked at the structure of a grid and different approaches using proportion. The golden section and square proportions lend themselves perfectly to a grid format. Symmetrical grid structures can be dynamic and classic, but are challenging to keep from becoming static. Asymmetrical grids offer the opportunity to delineate a clear hierarchy and have flexibility with the content. Like any design project, the most important component is the message. That message will lead to personality and attitude. From that, you can determine whether a grid should follow a more classic approach or one that is more adventurous. We looked at book design and how to design a grid for different types of content. Book design has a long history going back 500 years, so there…
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