From the course: Lead Generation Foundations
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Developing your marketing form for a seamless experience
From the course: Lead Generation Foundations
Developing your marketing form for a seamless experience
- [Instructor] We've all been there. You're really excited to buy something online, and then you're forced to fill out this lengthy form that requests information like your name or why you're making the purchase, or requires you to create a username and password. So what do we do? We walk away from the whole purchase. An effective form will maintain your lead's interest, so they won't walk away. Your form is where your company requests information from people like contact information or if anyone referred them to your brand. This is different from your call to action landing page, which are places where your company provides information to people. Here's how to create an efficient and trustworthy form, thinking from the customer's perspective to convert your leads to qualified leads. First, only ask for the information you truly need. The less information you request, the more likely people are to provide it. Just stick…
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