From the course: Lead Generation Foundations
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Using call-to-action (CTA) to boost click-through rate (CTR)
From the course: Lead Generation Foundations
Using call-to-action (CTA) to boost click-through rate (CTR)
- [Narrator] An effective call to action, or CTA, encourages leads to click through your site for more information. This qualifies which leads are most interested in your product or service. I'm going to define a CTA, explain how it qualifies leads, and share my tips so you can write an effective CTA. A CTA prompts and directs people what immediate action to take to complete a task. A task can be lots of different things such as scheduling an appointment, reading ratings or reviews, researching competitive options. An effective CTA increases your click-through rate, or CTR. A CTR is a metric that shows how many leads click to receive more information after seeing your marketing, such as a print ad, email, or social media post. So a CTR helps you qualify leads by understanding who is most interested in engaging more deeply with your brand. Examples of CTAs include "Chat now" to request more details about a product or…
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