From the course: Learning Design for Sustainability

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Facilitating change through design

Facilitating change through design

- The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi makes two claims about creativity in his book of the same name. First, creativity cannot exist without society's acknowledgement. It otherwise remains as something akin to daydreaming. Second, creativity doesn't exist within disciplines so much as between them. We can't fully impact these ideas here. It took Csikszentmihalyi over 400 pages to do it in his book but both observations can prove instructive for people interested in design and sustainability. One thought that may have occurred to you as we've explored this section on social innovation, is that design can be a form of facilitation. Everybody understands that design is a form of demonstration, but design is facilitation is as important because without that facilitation, there may never be an opportunity to demonstrate. Let me explain. You could be a great architect or designer but if you don't have the tools to…
