From the course: Learning Design for Sustainability

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How certifications can build business competencies

How certifications can build business competencies

From the course: Learning Design for Sustainability

How certifications can build business competencies

- As we saw in the earlier video about stages of learning, the steadily increasing quantity and quality of base level tools, frameworks, and methods for sustainability is making it easier and easier for companies to improve their triple bottom line performance or TBL. Remember that the TBL addresses social and environmental factors as well as economic ones and along with a growing number of consulting organizations that provide guidance for companies interested in sustainability there's an increasing number of certificates that confirm a company's TBL performance. These certificate programs not only guide companies in achieving sustainability goals, they build consumer trust in the claims that companies make about that performance in the first place. The first thing to say about certifications is that they're not all cut from the same cloth. First party certificates, for instance, are nothing more than a company's way of…
