From the course: Learning Design for Sustainability
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Measuring impacts in the supply chain
From the course: Learning Design for Sustainability
Measuring impacts in the supply chain
- The topics we explored in the previous chapters were focused on helping our society shift perceptions and attitudes. An outcome of these evolving attitudes is that individuals and organizations are potentially more open to using new tools. So the focus of this chapter is technical innovation. Authors Daniel Etsy and Andrew Winston in their book from Green to Gold, created a simple tool to help businesses address long-term global trends such as increasing resource scarcity, price volatility and changing consumer demand. They called the tool audio, which stands for aspects upstream, downstream, issues and opportunities. Remember that upstream impacts occur before the product reaches the user while downstream impacts occur, once the product has left the user's hands. Keeping in mind the significance of user stage impacts that occur in something as seemingly innocuous as washing our jeans. I suggest adding another U to denote the…
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