From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 3 Editing and Post

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Reviewing the production and assets

Reviewing the production and assets

- We just talked about much of the important planning that led up to the production of this documentary. It definitely all came in great use when we set out on the documentary shoot, so let's talk about that. And rather than recounting a detailed overview of interview and production techniques, which is the bulk of what the production course focused on, I'm instead going to mostly focus on the story and the footage, since that's what we most care about in the editing phase. Before I do, I just want to show you a high level production schedule, which took place during a week in late June, 2016. It began in Chicago, Monday and early Tuesday, shooting interviews and some B-roll, and then we drove up to northern Michigan Tuesday afternoon, on the Camp Grayling military base. We shot interviews at Camp Grayling on Wednesday and Thursday, and then we accompanied the Project RELO off-road adventure on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Let's break it down a bit so you can get up to speed on what…
