From the course: Learning FARO: Laser Scanning
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Exporting projects - Scene Tutorial
From the course: Learning FARO: Laser Scanning
Exporting projects
- Before we export our data to another software, we'll want to make sure that the orientation of the point cloud or the coordinates system that it's using is suitable to the project. So first, let's go down here to this tool bar and let's look at a top view of our scans. Now if you're going to be using this to create a building model, it would be a little bit difficult to work with this in its current orientation. For me it would be more suitable to use one of these walls as the guideline for the orientation. So let's set that up. We'll use one of the walls that we calculated the plane on earlier and we'll set that to view north. If we expand out course two, and look at our planes, this is the one I would like to use. Let's take another look at that in the quick view by double clicking course two, just to verify that is the one I want to use. If I want to find that plane, I can go back to the structure and expand this out, right click on the name, and click locate plane. It'll move my…
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Getting started with SCENE1m 21s
Importing scans47s
Preprocessing3m 17s
Views and measurements2m 46s
Manually marking objects2m 4s
Targeted registration process2m 46s
Cloud-to-cloud registration process2m 58s
Visually checking registration quality2m 34s
Exporting projects2m 56s