From the course: Learning FL Studio 12
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Bouncing tracks to audio - FL Studio Tutorial
From the course: Learning FL Studio 12
Bouncing tracks to audio
- FL studio gives you several ways to bounce tracks to audio. You can export tracks directly to disk, either separately from each mixer track as .wav, .mp3, or .ogg files, or as one single file from the master. However, a nice way of committing yourself to changes you have already made is to bounce to audio using the "record to disk" feature, similar to the commitment feature in Ableton Live. You can re-import single channels as .wav files for more processing. Let's take a look at how to arm the file ready for disk recording so that it is ready to be imported back into FL Studio. Here we have our demo MIDI pattern with our demo sound already armed and ready in FL Studio. What we then want to do is go up to the mixer window and make sure that it's routed to our empty insert. You then want to go down to the bottom of the interface and click on "arm disk recording." What this then does is make sure that the mixer channel you have available is ready for recording. Then, go into your…
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The Mixer main menu3m 28s
Using compression in your mix3m 24s
Applying EQ to tracks5m 35s
Using delay to create interesting effects3m 37s
Creating reverb to fill space2m 51s
Fattening sounds using chorus effects2m 34s
Using flangers to create intriguing pad sounds2m 50s
Inserts and send busses5m 1s
Pumping the bass using sidechaining2m 53s
Using advanced routing for more processing3m 41s
Bouncing tracks to audio1m 59s