From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM
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Create and use snippets - HubSpot Tutorial
From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM
Create and use snippets
- [Instructor] When managing customer relationships, as we do with HubSpot CRM, there are going to be times when we send out emails or create notes and use standardized text, text that will appear multiple times in many different emails going out to different contacts at different companies, but to save time and effort we can use something called a snippet to create that standard text and use it when we need it, even personalize it. That's what we're going to do in this movie. It's called a snippet, and we find it under conversations. There it is, snippets, go ahead and click, and what you'll see is a current list of your snippets. Now, if you haven't created any, like me, you won't see any yet, just this information about saving time writing emails and taking notes, but there is a button up here in the top right to create our first snippet, go ahead and click. Next we need to give it a name. Now, the name will not be seen by our customers, it's just what we use to refer to our…