From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM
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Launch the free HubSpot CRM - HubSpot Tutorial
From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM
Launch the free HubSpot CRM
- [Instructor] So you've set up your free HubSpot CRM account and signed in, let's talk about what comes next. You're likely arriving at a page similar or the same as mine, Getting started with HubSpot. You'll find some useful links here as you scroll down showing you your progress as you get started with HubSpot CRM. You can see there is a number of links in the Learn about HubSpot section, such as a slide show, a video, frequently asked questions to help you get up to speed. As you go a little further down you'll see some things you can do next directly from this page. We've already created our account, but we can create our first contact from here, or install an extension for our browser, or connect our inbox, something we'll be doing a little bit later on, and we don't have to do it from here, we can do all of these things from the other menus and settings here in HubSpot. So, if you do already feel like you're familiar with HubSpot, you can go down to the bottom where it says…