From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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- [David] Well, congratulations on reaching the end of this course on HubSpot CRM essential training. You should now have a better understanding of what this cloud-based CRM tool has to offer and how it might benefit you in your business. What's next? Well, if you think HubSpot is right for you and you haven't already signed up, this would be your first next step. Remember, HubSpot has a number of different tools known as hubs, like marketing, service, and even an added sales hub. After you sign up for HubSpot CRM for free, your next step will be to determine if you and your business could benefit from any of these additional hubs, and remember, each of these hubs also has free versions you can start with before deciding if you need more. Lastly, you can take your CRM knowledge to the next level with Linked Learning. We have dozens of courses on a variety of CRM tools and functionality, and check back often for even more to come. This is David Rivers saying thanks for watching and I…
