From the course: Learning Power Automate Desktop for Non-Developers

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- [Instructor] Well done. You have made it to the end of this course and you are ready to give yourself a high five. You have learned all of the skills required to create amazing automations that are going to save you loads and loads of time. In this final workshop, we are going to put together all of the skills that we have learned throughout this course to create one final project. In this final project, we are going to go and visit Yahoo Finance in the crypto section. In this section, we are going to extract all of the information that is in this table, but we are going to extract also the link that is hiding behind every single one of these titles. We are going to click on each one of these links and we are going to click on the profile page. Once we are on the profile page, we are going to extract this information right here. Once we have extracted this information right here, we are going to run it through a machine…
