From the course: Learning Power Automate Desktop for Non-Developers
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Become familiar with the interface - Power Automate Desktop Tutorial
From the course: Learning Power Automate Desktop for Non-Developers
Become familiar with the interface
- [Instructor] Knowing where different elements and capabilities of Microsoft Power Automate Desktop and how to use it properly, it is very important. That's why we are going to cover where all of different elements and what the capabilities are before starting to build our first automation. After this video, you will know your way around Microsoft Power Automate Desktop, and by the end of the final exercise, you will feel like a pro. Now, there are two main components to Microsoft Power Automate Desktop. There is the main application, which is what we are greeted with when we open the application, and then there is the canvas that is used for building processes. Now the canvas is accessed by creating a new flow. First, let's go over the main welcome screen. This has a few panels and a few menus, but they're all pretty simple. However, it is good to know where different elements are. You are greeted with a welcome…