From the course: Learning Power BI Desktop

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Unpivot columns

Unpivot columns

- We were working with this dataset in the last movie. It's historical data from the census from 1790 to 1860. If you think about this dataset, it really is a pivot table. Originally, we had transactional data. In 1790, there was a count taken in Connecticut and it was repeated again 10 years later and 10 years after that. So, if we look just at Connecticut's data, we would have a series of rows for Connecticut, one for each year they participated in the census, so Connecticut would have eight rows, Colorado, only one. And, all of that data then was summarized in a pivot table and this is the result. But, occasionally, we need to have that original data back, so that we can create the visualizations that we want to create. We essentially want to take a pivot table and unpivot it. And, if you ever need to do that, that's a reason to know about the power query editor in Power BI. So, I'm going to click Home, go to transform…
