From the course: Learning Revit 2023

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Exploring additional modeling tools

Exploring additional modeling tools - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2023

Exploring additional modeling tools

- [Instructor] We've built lots of different model elements in this chapter, and as you can see from the exercise file that I have open on screen here, there's still quite a few more different types of elements that we could create. So, in this video I won't be able to do a comprehensive look of every single model element that we have left to talk about, but what I'd like to do is just share a few of them with you and kind of expose you to some of the other elements that you should be looking for as you begin to get more comfortable with Revit. So, some examples in this file are these roof elements that we see here. We've got some floor elements. There are these curtain wall elements. There's a stair and railing on the inside of the building. So, there's a number of elements that I would like to point out to you and expose you to some of their features here. So, let's start with this roof element right here. I'm just going…
