From the course: Learning Revit 2023

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Exporting the model

Exporting the model - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2023

Exporting the model

- [Instructor] Sometimes you're working with a team member who's not using Revit, but they need access to some of your design data. Well, you can export your views from Revit to a variety of formats, including AutoCAD DWG. So the first thing you want to do is make sure you're in a view that represents what your recipient needs to see. So let's say that I have a recipient that needs some floor plans from this project. So I'll open up the A1 Floor Plans sheet, and then I'll go to the File menu, highlight Export, and come up here to CAD Formats. So you will see that there are some different CAD formats that are supported, including AutoCAD and MicroStation and so on, but in this example, I'm going to choose DWG, which is the AutoCAD file format. That takes me to the Export window. And there are some settings that we can configure here. And there's actually quite a few settings we could modify. And that's right here on this…
