From the course: Learning Revit 2023

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Loading families

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- [Instructor] As you might expect, we can place many other items other than just walls, doors, and windows in our models. So in this video, we're going to look at a variety of different objects that we can add, such as columns and plumbing fixtures and some furniture. So let's start with some columns. So I'm going to come over here to the architecture tab, and there's a dropdown menu on my column tool, and I want to choose column architectural. Now, you'll see that a small rectangle appears on my cursor. And if we look over here on the type selector, you'll see that there's a rectangular column family already loaded in this file, and there are three sizes. And currently, the largest size, 24 by 24, is what I have chosen. So I'm going to accept all of that. Now, the way the column tool works is you can actually place it anywhere you like, but if you place it on the column grids, then it will behave rather nicely in a…
