From the course: Learning Revit 2023

Other Revit courses - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2023

Other Revit courses

- [Instructor] Courses here in the library typically use the latest available version of the Revit software. This means that in order for you to follow along with the provided exercise files, you must be running at least the same version in which the course was authored. If you have a newer release than the version that was used to record the course, then you can use the files provided just fine. The files will perform a one time upgrade as you open them for the lesson and you can save those files in your current version to avoid having to repeat that process later. If you're using an older version of the Revit software, you will not be able to use the provided exercise files. There is no way to save them backward. So what can you do if you find yourself in this situation? We are frequently updating content here in the library. So, first check the library for an older version of the course that matches your installed Revit version. For example, Revit Essential Training is available in multiple prior versions. Alternatively, you can install the same or newer version of Revit as was used to author the course or you can simply follow along in the course using your own files instead of the provided exercise files.
