From the course: Learning Revit 2023

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- [Instructor] An important aspect of working in Revit is understanding how to control the visibility of elements within various views. So the most important concept related to that to understand is the difference between model elements and view specific elements in Revit. So a model element is any element that represents a real life thing. So this includes things like our walls and our columns and our case work and equipment and doors and windows and furniture. Those are all real elements. Even the rooms are part of the model. So those are real life model elements. Now, on the other hand we have a whole collection of elements, which are not real they're more annotative, they're more descriptive. And that includes things like dimensions, tags, and this color fill legend over here. These are not real things in the sense that nobody builds those objects in the project. They don't paint the dimensions on the floor but we…
