From the course: Learning SharePoint Online

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Use a list

Use a list

- [Instructor] In SharePoint lists and libraries have similar functionality. Libraries are really a specialized type of list that contains documents. Lists on the other hand can contain rows and rows of data. When you look at a list what you're normally reminded of is Microsoft Excel. This custom list for National Inventory exists in the Residential Sales site. Notice that we have columns that contain particular values and rows and rows and rows of data. If we wanted to sort this we have the ability to do so. You can simply click and indicate that you'd like to sort by this column A to Z. So now at the top rather than having Solar panels we have one item that's actually wrong, it's a battery, but for whatever reason it has a date here. We'll edit that later. We have Grid Tie Inverters and so on. We can also filter. You can indicate that you're only looking for example for items that have a particular cost. So we can…
