From the course: Learning SketchUp Free (2023)

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Creating 3D text

Creating 3D text

- [Instructor] So SketchUp has a 3D text tool that allows you to create geometry in the shape of text. So we can find it here under the rectangle tool here. So if I select 3D text, it brings up a menu. So what you can do is you can type in your text, I'm just going to type in the word text. You can type in your font. So it has a number of preset fonts that you can use. You can type in a height. I'm going to type in say, five feet. Now if you want your text filled or extruded you can also do that. So I'm going to make it extruded by one foot. And then all you have to do is click okay. And what it does, it allows you to place that text in the scene and you can manipulate it. So it's really very simple. Now this text does come in as geometry. If you double click on it it opens up what's called a group which allows you to get to your faces and edges. Now we're going to cover groups in a little bit so this is just a little…
